Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time at the Carthage Press

I was waiting to report this until I had three sources confirm what was brought to my attention.  These three sources confirmed that Randy Turner, former East Middle School Teacher of the Joplin School District was fired from the Carthage Press for taking inappropriate pictures.

He claims that it was a picture he had taken of an accident victim, when in fact my sources revealed that he had been fired for taking inappropriate pictures of Junior High girls at a track meet.

These three sources all worked, in some capacity, with William "Randy" Turner at the Carthage Press.  Very interesting that he twists the story to try and gain sympathy from his "readers" when in fact he has major issues that need to be addressed.  I feel like Amazon should know what type of author they are promoting and allowing to sell books through their site.  The more I have found out about this "teacher" the more I have come to realize that Dr. CJ Huff and all of the Joplin administrators did the best thing in ridding themselves of this accused "groomer".

For my next investigative reporting piece, I will be interviewing girls that had Randy Turner as a teacher.  I am going to ask them the same questions I asked the boys in order to not asking any leading questions.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

And the results are in....

I apologize for taking so long to post my investigative reporting.  So I interviewed 20 former students of Randy Turner aka William Turner the last two weeks to try and discover if any of the allegations brought up by Joplin Schools had some merit to them.  Here are the questions and the results to those questions:

1.  Did you consider Randy Turner a good teacher? 16 out of 20 students said they considered him a good teacher.  They said they were able to learn a lot from his class and that he was very engaging as a teacher.

2.  Do you think Randy Turner favored female students as opposed to male students?  20 out of 20 students said they felt Randy Turner favored the female students more than the male students.  They even said that he favored male students who displayed female characteristics more than those who were more masculine (those are my words not theirs).  One student gave me an example of how he copied his girlfriend's homework word for word and while she received an A; he received a C.  When he asked Randy Turner why his homework was given such a low grade, Mr. Turner gave several reasons why the grade was a C but none had to do with copying.

3.  Did you ever witness anything that was questionable in regards to Randy Turner and female students?  14 out of 20 said they witnessed on many occasions Randy Turner being alone in his classroom with either a single female student or a couple female students.  They said that they felt it was a little "weird" and that they often joked amongst each other about Randy being with a student.

4. Are you Facebook or Myspace friends, or follow him on Twitter?  20 out of 20 students all stated that they were not friends or followers of Randy Turner.  Three stated that they had sent him friend requests but were either ignored or rejected; where as, their female classmates were always accepted and never ignored.

So the conclusion of my investigative reporting is that the Joplin School system was correct in identifying a possible "groomer" at work.  He was laying foundations within his female students in order to possibly, one day, take advantage of them and prey on their weakness.

Thank you Dr. Huff for ridding our schools and our community of this potential danger.  You are, yet again, a hero to this community.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The System does work

“Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty we are free at last.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

In a unanimous decision by the Joplin School Board, Randy Turner's contract has been terminated.  It is with a huge sigh of relief and comfort that the board has made the correct decision in ridding themselves of a potential "groomer" or someone who has shown tendencies that a "predator" displays.  

The system worked and they were not dissuaded by the threat of him taking to his, so- called, investigative blog to take aim at them.  A true coward, who displays the school board members telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, was conquered by a more powerful entity then his words could bring down.  

Since this news was announced yesterday, I will display the results of my findings in my next blog.  A little preview of what the next blog will entail:  I asked several questions to 20 male students who had Randy Turner as their teacher at East Middle School and came to some conclusions that will lead you to believe that the Joplin School system had narrowed down a potential "predator" to a T.  I only interviewed male students because of the reported tagging of far more female students then males on his Facebook page, as well as, doing my own research and seeing that he had far more female followers on Twitter and female friends on Myspace.  

Hold on to your seats there is plenty more to come.....