Thursday, September 25, 2014

Anson, CJ, Randy and the island

If there were ever two people that I would love to see stranded on a deserted island with Randy Turner, it is these two gentlemen.  Honestly, I would pay millions of dollars to make this happen.  These two men deserve the opportunity to hash things out with Randy Turner, alleged child predator, face to face.  Sure reading his blog would put them to sleep and allow for him to get in a few quick blows (and by blows I mean the kind he likes to give his former male students) but these two men would rise and rise again until that pathetic excuse of a human being is no longer able to use those manipulative little fingers of his.  I am hoping that Joplin is becoming sick of this man and finally seeing him for the fraud that he and his writing are.  His articles contain so many lies and so many stretched truths that I'm not sure Randy Turner can identify the fantasies from reality.  Someone start a fundraiser to drop these three off on an island for twenty-four hours!!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Closing in on a Year

We are quickly closing in on a year since the hearing and subsequent firing of Randy Turner, accused child predator, and one thing remains the same.  Randy is a bitter, old man.  His blogs have become more of a gossip column and TMZ read then they have facts and truths.  He lives in a fictional land, where he says and blogs whatever he wants, whether it's the truth or not, and some of us are ignorant enough to believe him.

Randy, we get it.  You are in love with CJ Huff.  You are in love with teachers who have been accused of inappropriate contact with students.  You are in love with coaches.  You are in love with drama.  And you are in love with criticism.  You scour the internet, court hearings, bankruptcy web sites, credit score sites, tax returns, divorce filings, anything you can find to blog about to try and tear down other people.  Why don't you start blogging about the good things in Joplin.  The people who are making a difference, the people who are changing the city, instead of whoever you hate or have a personal vendetta against.

It's been a year.  Get over it!!! There have been many people who you have written blogs about and stated many horrible things, that were eventually found to be untrue, who have moved on and forgiven you.  Turn the page and start a new life.  Move if you have to, but please stop with the annoying and hate filled blogs.  You are going to ruin the rest of your life if you continue to live in this bitterness.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Randy Turner Claims...

He claims to allow every comment on his blog, but I know for a fact there have been comments made, which had facts and truths, that he did not allow.  I have made several comments and I know of several others who have made comments that were never posted.  Yes, he does post some comments, but it is a lie to say that he posts every comment. 

Just more evidence that Randy Turner is a liar and does not want the entire truth to come out about multiple situations.  He likes to twist and slant his stories in the way he feels agrees with him best, with little regard to the actual truth of the situation.  That's not real investigative reporting.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Turner Report Promise

E-mail him, Facebook him, tweet him, Myspace him or even leave the gossip under his windshield wiper and like any junior higher he will spread it faster than a forest fire.  That is not investigative reporting; it is spreading gossip and rumors, which is all you are good for and your blogs content has contained.  You are not a reporter, you are a gossiper.  You twists truths, allow false comments, and most likely make up stories just to get your kicks.  Well sir, we all know what kind of reporter, man, and teacher you are and we are disgusted.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Randy Turner you make me sick!!!

I haven't been following The Turner Report as of late, but if I had, then I would have posted this message a lot earlier.  You, Randy Turner, make me sick!!! How can you in good conscious report the details of Hailey Owens murder so quickly after the incident.  Do you not have any class?  Do you not care about the family?  Did you not consider all the family members who had yet to hear the details?  What if the family wasn't introduced to these gory details until your "investigative reporting"? 

And then to allow the comments that you did is just irresponsible.  You are a horrible, horrible person and I actually feel bad for you that you have to get your attention through the suffering of a family, community, and at the expense of a young girl's life.  You really need to take a long look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can sleep with this angry, self-centered gossiper that you have become.  The people of Joplin should be ashamed to have you represent this town.

To the family and the people of Springfield, please know that there are people praying for you and respecting you in a much more appropriate way.  I apologize that we have such a narrow minded person, who is so consumed with getting attention that he doesn't have the decency to respect you. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Turner Report

All of a sudden Mr. Randy Turner is a whistleblower.  Funny that it took almost a full year after his firing before he released this letter he supposedly wrote to a Joplin School Board member.  Do you really think the public is dumb enough to believe you? I mean seriously Randy!!! You are really going off the deep end here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Things I'm thinking....

1. Randy Turner is obsessed with Joplin Schools, sex, junior high girls, and the Joplin Globe

2.  He is a bitter, bitter accused sexual predator

3. His blog has become more and more boring

4.  Randy Turner, former teacher, is a self-absorbed Narcissus, who needs to log off the internet and experience things in the real world.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Turner, Turner, Turner

Randy Turner, accused child predator, has hit a new low with me.  His obsession with Joplin schools and the administration who runs or has ran the school is borderline creepy.  Why report on someone getting a divorce? Why? Other than to try and smear the person's name.  Have you ever been married Mr. Turner? If I cared that much I would actually try to find out, but I would venture to say you haven't because you would be too afraid of having someone find your stash of kiddy porn and turn you in.  You are a sick man, who has a sick obsession with people that have done you wrong.  I am utterly sick that there are local bookstores and people in the town of Joplin who support you.  You are a twisted man, who twists things in order to benefit yourself or your stories.  For the sake of everyone, delete your blog and move away. No one wants to read your garbage anymore.