Saturday, January 11, 2014

Turner, Turner, Turner

Randy Turner, accused child predator, has hit a new low with me.  His obsession with Joplin schools and the administration who runs or has ran the school is borderline creepy.  Why report on someone getting a divorce? Why? Other than to try and smear the person's name.  Have you ever been married Mr. Turner? If I cared that much I would actually try to find out, but I would venture to say you haven't because you would be too afraid of having someone find your stash of kiddy porn and turn you in.  You are a sick man, who has a sick obsession with people that have done you wrong.  I am utterly sick that there are local bookstores and people in the town of Joplin who support you.  You are a twisted man, who twists things in order to benefit yourself or your stories.  For the sake of everyone, delete your blog and move away. No one wants to read your garbage anymore.

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