Sunday, July 28, 2013

Things that make you go hmmmmm

I wonder if Randy Turner, former teacher for the Joplin School District, was friends with Charles Gastel.  He is the recently discovered ex-teacher who was making child porn.  I've said from the beginning they should have conducted a search warrant on Randy Turner's personal computer.

What's the old saying about roaches?  Where there's one, there's another.  Pretty ironic that one is fired and a couple months later there is another teacher fired for making child porn.  And of course Mr. Turner made sure to post the story on his blog.  At least this is a legitimate article, unlike others in the past where he has published several lies and made up stories.  I'm actually surprised he hasn't been sued for defamation of character.  Anyways, I just find it very troubling that two teachers, who work with junior high students, were either accused or found to be guilty of crimes against children.

I give it a few more months before Randy Turner is sitting in a cell next to Charles Gastel!!! 

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