Friday, May 31, 2013

Still waiting...

We are still waiting to find out if Randy Turner, former teacher for Joplin Schools, will retain his job or if he will be fired.  If they do decided to keep him the school and Joplin Police Department should do a surprise search warrant and check his home for any kiddy porn that he most likely has laying around or saved to his computer.  This child predator is just busting at the seams to get back in the classroom and groom his next victim.  Continue to pray that the Joplin School Board will do the right thing and terminate this child predator.

I will be doing my investigative reporting tonight and tomorrow at established junior high hang outs.  There I will get to the bottom of this "teacher", and help shed light on what the real students think about him, not just what we are presented with by the few outspoken ones.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


As I was googling Randy Turner's name I came upon several articles that he was quoted in dealing with online communication with students.  He had a very strong opinion on being able to continue having "online" relationships with his students.  To me that seems very odd, so I did a little more digging.  Randy Turner has a Facebook page and a Twitter feed, but then the next thing I found deeply disturbed me.  He had a Myspace page.  Are there any adults who actually use Myspace anymore?  To me this is a kid only website; I personally have zero friends who use Myspace.

This leads me to give you this definition of "grooming" - To prepare, as for a specific position or purpose

Isn't this what child predators do? Make sure they have as much contact with children as possible!  What could you possibly have to talk about with a student on Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace that couldn't wait until the next day of school?  Sounds like a child predator who is preparing his victims for a specific purpose and based upon what I've read of his book, a specific position.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Decision should come in two weeks

Today's Globe article states that the decision could take up to two weeks to reach on whether to retain Turner or to fire him.  The board is doing the right thing here by making him wait.  This gives time for other teaching positions to be filled so that he will not be able to teach next year at another school.  I hope they drag this on for as long as they can in order to avoid him being able to go into another school system and "groom" more victims.

Since he claims to be an investigative reporter, I decided to follow in his footsteps and do my own investigating.  The next few blogs leading up to the decision will focus on information gathered from current and past students, as well as, the real reason he was fired from the newspaper in Carthage.

Stay tuned because there is plenty more to come about this alleged predator.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Yesterday's Hearing of the Child predator

Randy Turner was placed on Administrative leave by the Joplin School District for various reasons, but none more disturbing than that of "grooming" his students.  Here is a link to the Joplin Globe for further reading

As I read this article I was struck by the comments of Dr. Huff.  If he was that concerned about his own 13 year old daughter's welfare, that he was willing to put his reputation on the line in order to ensure the removal of this "teacher" then there should be no other testimony needed.  I find it odd that a teacher, his age, would be adding students at all to his Facebook page.  I feel that is a huge red flag and sign that we are dealing with a predator and someone who needs to be placed as far away from children as possible.

The link describes the charges against this so called "teacher." It also tells of him allowing access to erotic books, that he wrote.  The books could be classified as pornographic and something that should have a cover of a half naked teacher.  This man desperately needs help and needs to be pulled back into the real world.  Seeing these supporters tells me that he has obviously snowballed them and not presented all of the facts and charges against them.  I hope that they were in the hearing and heard for themselves the trash he has written and presented his students to read.

Stay tuned for the results of the hearing of the "groomer"; let's pray the Board of Education does the right thing and rids themselves of this trash.