Saturday, May 25, 2013

Decision should come in two weeks

Today's Globe article states that the decision could take up to two weeks to reach on whether to retain Turner or to fire him.  The board is doing the right thing here by making him wait.  This gives time for other teaching positions to be filled so that he will not be able to teach next year at another school.  I hope they drag this on for as long as they can in order to avoid him being able to go into another school system and "groom" more victims.

Since he claims to be an investigative reporter, I decided to follow in his footsteps and do my own investigating.  The next few blogs leading up to the decision will focus on information gathered from current and past students, as well as, the real reason he was fired from the newspaper in Carthage.

Stay tuned because there is plenty more to come about this alleged predator.

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