Friday, May 31, 2013

Still waiting...

We are still waiting to find out if Randy Turner, former teacher for Joplin Schools, will retain his job or if he will be fired.  If they do decided to keep him the school and Joplin Police Department should do a surprise search warrant and check his home for any kiddy porn that he most likely has laying around or saved to his computer.  This child predator is just busting at the seams to get back in the classroom and groom his next victim.  Continue to pray that the Joplin School Board will do the right thing and terminate this child predator.

I will be doing my investigative reporting tonight and tomorrow at established junior high hang outs.  There I will get to the bottom of this "teacher", and help shed light on what the real students think about him, not just what we are presented with by the few outspoken ones.

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